Corruption Levels
- No Corruption requirement
- Knowing the Reunion has been coming Carla has been concerned about your ability to interact with girls, knowing it's mostly just been her and Sami for the longest time. She will help how she can.
- Req. Corruption Level 1
- Carla has been watching over you for a long time now, and she deeply wants the reunion to go the best it can. She understands though that she may not have given you all the help she can and there is now little time to prepare you for meeting everyone.
- Corruption 1: Ask Carla for help with a girl and follow it.
Hands on
- This corruption level is under construction and does not have any additional content.
- Corruption 2: Make Carla Concerned and grope a couple times.
- Req. Corruption 1
- Ask Carla for help with a girl and follow it.
Second Opinion
- Req. Corruption 2
- Make sure you examine Carla Thoroughly when brushing her hair.
- No corruption requirement
- Go Scrapbooking, report in to a concerned Carla with mostly risque photos.
For Your Scrapbook
- No corruption requirement
- Go Scrapbooking, report into Cala with less than 3 photos